The Square Root of Cheese
What is
all this?

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The Advice

The KROC's

Local News

The Author

No, seriously

What it is

The Advice

Here at the Square Root of Cheese, I pride myself at being an equal opportunity advice column. I don't choose which questions to answer based on the author's race, time-frame, planet of origin, digital ability, and/or reality preference.

I'll provide whatever aid I can if you write to me at Or, for the technologically challenged, you can enter your question directly on the Seek Aid page

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The KROC's

(short for Kevin's Random, Obsessive Commentary)

Every now and then, I am struck by some idea that I am compelled to comment on. Something that everyone needs to know. No matter how Random or Obsessive it may sound.

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Local News

This page details what's been going on with the Square Root of Cheese.  Things like recent updates or changes, exciting things to look forward to, and so on.  Anything that wouldn't be blatantly obvious to a frequent visitor.

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The Author

My name is Kevin, but people like to call me 'Cheese Man' or 'Mr. Cheese' or other titles with 'cheese' in them. I really don't know why. Actually, I'd prefer 'Skippy.'

I'm currently studying for a major Computer Graphic Design and a minor in Web Design at DSU in South Dakota. But only for another year.

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No, Seriously...

Oh, alright. I'm just being goofy. It keeps me amused in my free time when I'm not distracted by something else. Please don't tell anyone. (Unless someone starts trying to follow this advice!)

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