The Square Root of Cheese
What is
all this?

Less new:



New Things

New T. ~ 1/27/2006

I've decided that New Things ought to be posted here on the main page before being hidden away on the news page.  Why?  'Cause I know some of you won't see them otherwise..  You know who you are.

Also, I'll continue to make these posts a different color in the future so you can tell them apart and skip over them if you really don't care.  This is more for those of us who forget things that don't appear right in front of us.


This is it!  The new design and layout for The Square Root of Cheese is at last completed!  Take a look around and enjoy!  This new and improved version is also up to date with the latest web standards (for those of you interested in that sort of thing.)

Eccept for a portion of the archives that is.  I've decided to hang on to the older pages for posterity sake.


Change of plans. This site has become my official class project in Web Publishing. Now that my grade depends on it, things are finally going to get organized around here. Stay tuned for big changes in the next couple of weeks. That is if anyone is still visiting.

Oh. And be watching for a change of address; I didn't put those banner ads there, and I really don't want them there. My business with Freeservers is coming to an end.

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